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Significant Changes to DAMA-DMBOK2 Revised Edition

This section lists the significant changes to the revised edition of DAMA-DMBOK2. Throughout the book, typos and small inconsistencies were corrected, however these are not identified in the section.


All Chapters


Description of change

Context Diagrams Alignment of diagram's content with respective chapter.
All To be compliant with PMI definition of a program as a group of related projects, the term program has been
replaced by function whenever the topic is about an on-going operation, such as Data Governance Function.
However, we kept "program" when the topic is about improving the function, such as Data Governance
improvement program.


Chapter 1 - Data Management


Description of Change

Section 2.4 Bullets "Data management is lifecycle management" and Different types of data have different lifecycle characteristics" merged into a single bullet.
Section 3.3
Explanation of the
Knowledge Area Context
In context diagrams, renamed "Activities Categories" to Activities Phases" and order the phases Plan, Control, Develop and Operate.

Add an explanation of the Organization and Culture theme.
Figure 10 Box titles "Use & Enhance" and "Enable & Maintain" are swapped.


Chapter 3 - Data Governance


Description of Change

Chapter Replace "Data Governance program" with "Data Governance function." Also
replace "DG" with Data governance."
Section 1 Bullet "Policy" description updated.

Bullet "Standards and Quality" replaced with "Standards" and definition updated.

Bullet "Oversight" description updated.
Section 1.1 Improve explanations of the second paragraph.

Move "Regulatory Compliance" to Reducing Risk list.
Section 1.3.4 Add "owner" to "Often terms like owner, custodian or trustee are
synonyms for those who carry out steward-like functions."
Section 1.3.5 Improve definition of Data Owner.
Section 1.3.7 Replace "non-fungible item" with "intangible asset."
Section 2.4 Replace "CDO" with "Data Governance function."
Section 2.7 Replace "Business owners" with "Data owners."

Replace "Certified users will be granted access to certified data..." with
"Authorized users will be granted access to specific data..."

Replace "All certified data will be evaluated..." with "All critical data will be evaluated..."
Section 2.10 "Issues ... may be escalated to the Data Stewardship teams, ..." replaced with
"Issues ... may be escalated to the Business Unit Data Governance, ..."

"Issues that cannot be resolved by the DGC should be escalated to corporate
governance and/or management" replaced with "Issues that cannot be resolved by
the DGC should be escalated to the Data Governance Steering Committee."
Section 2.14 "Data Stewards are generally responsible ..." replaced by "Business Data Stewards
are generally responsible ..."

Add "security and privacy classification" to metadata found in business glossary.
Section 2.15 "The DGC sponsors and approves data architecture artifacts, such as a business-oriented
enterprise data model" replaced with "The Data Governance Council is a
stakeholder for data architecture artifacts (possibly sponsoring and approving)."
Section 2.16 Title change


Chapter 4 - Data Architecture


Description of change

Context Diagram Bullet 1.3 in the Activities section is now bullet 2.                                                                                                                      


Chapter 5 - Data Modeling and Design


Description of change

Section Definition of Composite Key and Compound Key adjusted.
Section Replace "EmployeeGenderCode, for example, may be limited to the domain of female, and male" with
"EmployeePreferredPronoun, for example, may be limited to the domain of He/Him, She/Her. They/Them."
Section Section rewritten.


Chapter 6 - Data Storage and Operations


Description of Change

Section 2.1.1 Title change                                                                                                                     
Section 2.2 Title change


Chapter 7 - Data Security


Description of Change

Section 3.2 Title change
Section 4.4 Moved as section 6.2                                                                                       


Chapter 8 - Data Integration and Interoperability


Description of Change

Section 4.3 Title change                                                                                                       


Chapter 11 - Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence


Description of Change

Section 4.3 Title change                                                                                                              


Chapter 12 - Metadata Management


Description of change

Figure 85 Remove arrows from Metadata layer to Tools layer.                              
Figure 87 Add arrows from Metadata layer to Tools layer.


Chapter 13 - Data Quality


Description of Change

Chapter           Title change
  This chapter has been partially rewritten. Many sections have been simplified or clarified.
The major improvements address:
- Critical Data Elements has a definition.
- "Currency" added as a Data Quality dimension.
- Added relationship between Data Quality and Data Modeling and Design,
Metadata Management, Reference and Master Data Management and Data Integration
and Interoperability knowledge areas.
Appendix - Section 1.3.5 in ISO Standard moved to the appendix.
- Part of the section on quality dimension moved to the appendix.
- New text on Statistical Process Control added in the appendix.